Sarah is now 5 1/2 months old, hard to believe. It's been a very different summer b/c I'm home with the baby instead of at work and taking holidays. So far sarah has one tooth, with another that I'm sure will appear soon with the way she's been acting.
Other than that, I'm going to start going back to work 5 hours a week(EI allows that without cutting into benefits). It'll give me some time out with adults and do something besides feeding, changing, and playing with baby. I hope my mind is up to the challenge and I haven't forget everything!
Anyhow, here are some pics of Sarah from the children's museum and other places
I can't believe how fast she is growing.
Where do you work?
Hope you have a great time with adults again.
I work at St.Boniface Hospital as an admitting clerk. It definetly will be nice be back.
Wow, she finally got a tooth! She's growing like a weed! Going back to work already? Are you ready for the change? Which days are you thinking of going? Sorry I haven't been in touch lately. It's been SO busy, meeting with parents every nite, but so far, they've all signed out. 22 students this year!
She's so cute! Looking forward to seeing you guys next month!
She sure has grown Melissa! What's in that stuff you feed her? lol She is definitely a cutie and her personality is really starting to show more all the time. Have fun going back to work a few hours a week!
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