Friday, March 30, 2007

Baby Sarah is 1 week old

I finally feel well enough to sit at the computer and put up a post. It's been a rough week since I delivered baby Sarah. I am sure that our next child will be a few years away after this, didn't expect the recovery to be so rough. My parents and sister have been great about coming over and helping in whatever way they can. This week, we had four days where people from church brought over meals, again very much appreciated as taking care of Sarah on my own was enough to do in the day.

As the title says Sarah is now officially a week old. I am definetly looking forward to getting out of the house more again. I love my little princess and her daddy definetly loves her too. Here is some new photos of the little one.

Friday, March 23, 2007

The Big Day has arrived

So no more jokes with little snickers. Our baby made its appearence earlier today.

Sarah Joy was born at 6:40AM, weigning 6lbs10oz and measuring 19" long.

Mom and baby are doing great. I have attached a few pictures from today but i am sure there will be many more posted in the next few days.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Baby Snickers little joke

Well, we had another trip to the hospital last night, but alas no baby yet. The contractions were painful but it's only early labor. Hopefully this little child decides to come soon.

So baby Snickers got the last laugh on that one, making mommy and daddy go out in that nasty weather.

In other news, we're currently looking at getting a mini-van to replace Darren's car. It will be nice to have air conditioning in the summer( something we both have not had yet!).

Hopefully soon, there will a posting that the baby is here. Until then, I sit at home and wait.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

no more dirty rug

So with the little snickers on the way i finally decided to get rid of the rug thoughout the hallway, living room, and dining room. The change is remarkable, those of you who have been here before will be able to see by the pics. It makes the room so much bigger and also cleaner.

The floors are a bit dirty, eventually i will try to clean it and make it good but it good use a good sand and a refinish.

38 weeks

Well, I am now 38 weeks. Hard to believe time is going by so fast. Here's the latest photo of my belly.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Officially done work

I am now officially done work as of yesterday. I don't think I could have worked any longer, after all, working until 37 1/2 weeks is pretty good, I think.

We had a power outage last night for about 5 hours, a very strange experience. So now it's just a a waiting game until little snickers decides it's time to come out and meet the world(hopefully sooner, than later!)