Monday, March 19, 2007

Baby Snickers little joke

Well, we had another trip to the hospital last night, but alas no baby yet. The contractions were painful but it's only early labor. Hopefully this little child decides to come soon.

So baby Snickers got the last laugh on that one, making mommy and daddy go out in that nasty weather.

In other news, we're currently looking at getting a mini-van to replace Darren's car. It will be nice to have air conditioning in the summer( something we both have not had yet!).

Hopefully soon, there will a posting that the baby is here. Until then, I sit at home and wait.


Michelle said...

I hope that little snickers decides to make his/her appearance very soon. I know you're anxiously awaiting its arrival. Hopefully you won't have too many more "false starts" before the real thing happens. Hang in there!

Michelle said...

Wow, any day now and your life will change forever! Not to mention, there'll also be 1 more mini-van on the road. You're already getting a head start on filling up all 7 seats! lol!

Melissa said...

Zinky the van is officialy ours. Want to go cruising for hot guys on Saturday night, you watch for the guys, i'll watch for the girls and Melissa will give birth in the roomy back of the van.

Michelle said...

LOL! Yeah, I think that if you cruise with a van, you'll have to stick to Transcona! And if I want to cruise, I'll go with my HUSBAND! But our vehicle's a gas-guzzler so those cruising days are over for me!